Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Employee Spotlight: Obehie Omiyi, Head, Human Capital Development Admin.

Name: Obehie Omiyi 

Number of years spent with Chams: 19 months

What is your Job title? Head, Human Capital Development & Admin.

What led you to Chams and what is your background? I got a call from a recruiter on a Head HR vacancy in Chams Plc and the rest is history.  I have over 13 years HR experience.  I started my career with the defunct Gulf Bank, from there I moved to ARM where I held several positions within the group.  I joined Chams Plc from ARM Pension Managers PFA Ltd where I held the position of Head, HR & Admin.

Walk us through your average day at work: Clock in; review previous day to-do list; prepare present day to-do list; have coffee; carryout my daily tasks; attend meetings; attend to people issues; plan/strategize; carryout my routine MBWA (management by walking around)

What excites you about your job at Chams? Unconventional nature of my job and working with pleasant people

Which day of the work week are you the most productive? Tuesdays

Favourite thing you do outside of work: Coaching/Mentoring Children

Describe your personality with five hashtags: #Diplomatic #Decisive #Active #Friendly #Suave

Secret talent? Kiddies Entertainer

What is your most treasured possession? My ‘godfather’ movie DVD collection        

If you could visit one landmark anywhere in the world, where would it be? The pyramids of Giza in Egypt (I saw a documentary of how it was built and I think it’s amazing)        

What was the last book you read? Take the Risk – Ben Carson

What do you think is the most important quality needed for success? Faith & Perseverance

What do you consider your greatest achievement? My ‘Human Resource Management Professional’ (HRMP) certification
What do you see as the major challenges facing your field and how is your department solving those challenges? One of the major challenges facing our profession is the ability to attract & retain great talents.  HCD attempts to solve this challenge by trying to position Chams as an employer of choice

Favourite quote: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Albert Einstein


Nosakhare Omoigui said...

Good day,

Just to chip in that quite a number of us, never got a feedback from Chams Plc, on the management trainee recruitment carried out earlier this year, even after the aptitude test and video upload.

Unknown said...

Hello Nosakhare, everyone was responded to after each stage and successful candidates moved to the next stage. If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact hcd@chams.com